Sunday, June 29, 2008


Look! I'm updating. Sitting here NOT wanting to talk about the Cubs-Sox game HAHA. Thinking the only downside to my 3 days off is not seeing Hot Drug Guy at work. *Sigh* He has SUCH a gorgeous smile. I accidentally deleted my computer screen background thingy and can't for the life of me find what I had up there, so I was browsing photobucket. Found these yummy rainbow collages that made me think I would choose losing my hearing over losing my vision if given the choice.

The days are ticking down to Denton's 7th birthday- it is truly shocking to me how fast the years have flown by. Thought I'd be gearing up for CHA, but it looks as though I won't be getting a ticket from one of my DTs as shown in the application since they are not even attending *boooooo*. Such is life, huh?? (NOT MM- they rock my world).

Get excited because tomorrow I'll be uploading my first Scrap For A Cure projects! I know you have been waiting with bated breath HAHA. It's 10:49pm and in true "bad mother" fashion, the kids are still bickering and attempting to harm each other's bodies, so I will close with: SOX SUCK!!!!!!!! ;) (Unless they sign Adam)


Tracey Taylor said...

7 years old?!? Where does the time go?

Love those rainbow collages, btw.

I will def. check back to see the project reveals.

ellen s. said...

hey! oh i am lovin' those finds...i like the first one with the bubble gum! love bubbles. get those reveals up girl!!!!!!

Jeana said...

Hey, I wanna hear more about "Hot Drug Guy" sounds intriguing.

Diana D said...

those collages are great!